Led into the Wilderness

Every single human faces the temptation of sin within his or her life as a result of the broken world that we live in today. God allows us to enter into the wilderness where there are trials and temptations to test us, to humble us, and to grow us. We are only able to overcome temptation with complete submission and reliance on the Lord Jesus Christ, who is holy, sinless, and pure.

Matthew was written to a Jewish audience with the intention of leading them to Jesus Christ, who is the promised Messiah. The book of Matthew quotes the most Old Testament verses from the synoptic gospels and even includes the genealogy of Christ, dating all the way back to David and Abraham.

Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, where He faced attempts of temptation from Satan. The wilderness is a desolate and deserted location. Jesus was also hungry after fasting for forty days and nights. Temptation does not come from God but from Satan. However, sometimes God leads us into the wilderness where we will face these trials to humble and test us, in order to reveal what is within the depths of our hearts and if we will remain obedient to the Lord and His commands.


  1. Temptation of Physical Needs

  2. Temptation of Presumption

  3. Temptation of Power

There are three attempts of temptation made by Satan towards Jesus. The first temptation was towards Jesus’ hunger after He fasted for forty days and nights. Jesus responds with Scripture, stating that man does not live on bread alone but on every word of God. The second temptation was an attempt to get Jesus to prove His divine nature. Satan called upon Jesus to throw Himself off the cliff, reasoning that if Jesus is God, the angels would come and save Him, thus proving His divine nature to everyone. Satan wrongfully uses Scripture in this deceit. Jesus responds with Scripture, asserting that one should not test God. The third attempt was the temptation of power and pride. Satan tried to offer the whole world if Jesus bowed and worshiped Satan. Satan deceitfully tries to claim authority over this world, but the reality is that he does not.

In the end, Jesus is victorious over all three attempts of temptation from the Devil. He steadfastly refuses to fall into temptation, continuously using Scripture to fend off Satan’s attempts. The fact that Jesus is victorious and completely pure, holy, and sinless proves that we can have confidence in Him and the faith we profess. We can come to the throne of Jesus every single time in times of need to receive mercy and grace. Our complete reliance on Jesus will help us overcome every temptation of sin, not just because He is magnificent, but because He is truly the Messiah.


  1. At times, God leads us into the wilderness to test us, humble us, and strengthen our Christian faith. He also guides us out of the wilderness.

  2. Jesus is completely pure, holy, just, and sinless. This is the faith in which we can have complete confidence.

  3. We must rely on Jesus to help us overcome every temptation of sin.

What are some temptations that you were able to overcome through Jesus?