
Tender Shepherd

True comfort is found in Jesus Christ, our Tender Shepherd. The comfort of God comes into this world in three ways:

Those who follow Jesus as Lord are called the redeemed because on the cross of Calvary Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for all of our sins—past, present, and future. The Bible does talk about God’s wrath a lot, especially in the Old Testament prophets. To not talk about it when the Bible does talk about it a lot would be irresponsible and unloving. Because the Bible tells us to speak the truth in love. And so, while talking about the wrath of God may not feel comforting, it actually is. Because the goal of God’s wrath is not so much about punishment, but always about redemption. God’s wrath is very much like a chemical reaction that happens when sin tries to invade God’s holy space. So whenever we encounter the judgment of God, it is always God dealing with the sin in this world and in our lives in order to redeem us from His wrath and to restore us to Himself. The comfort of God comes to us because all of our sins have been forgiven in Christ Jesus.

The wilderness is a metaphor for the world or for life. Because life is hard. Life can feel like a dry and barren land over rocky terrain with deep and dark valleys to cross, sheer cliffs to climb, cold and rough waters to navigate, storm after storm to endure. Even so, we are called to glorify God in two ways, at least. First, as followers of Jesus Christ, we can find peace and joy and blessing in Christ because Jesus is our hope and Jesus is our strength. And when we can find peace and joy and blessing in Christ even through the difficulty of life, the glory of the LORD is revealed through us for the world to see. Second, as followers of Jesus Christ, we can share the love of Jesus Christ in a dark world that desperately needs Jesus and desperately needs Jesus now. In particular, the good news of Jesus Christ produces good deeds in God’s people, especially for those who are poor, disadvantaged, and alone. We glorify God by helping people in need and sharing the love of Christ in that way.

The person who brings good news is the person who has the good news in them—that is, anyone who has been saved by the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is why Jesus commanded His disciples to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). Being a witness of Jesus Christ begins with sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. But if you don’t have the good news, you cannot share the good news. Because hurt people hurt people, but loved people love people. This world and the devil wants us to hold on to our hurt so that we will hurt one another. But God wants to fill our hearts with the love of Jesus Christ so that we will love one another. This is what it means to have the good news in us. And when we have the good news in us, we will naturally share the good news with others. The world needs Jesus, and the world needs Jesus now. And we know this because we need Jesus, and we need Jesus now. This is our witness to a world that doesn’t know the love of Christ: “I need the love of Jesus, and here is our God!”


  1. Will you be able to help people in need this Advent season? And if so, how? How can you do so in fellowship with other believers?

  2. Read Ephesians 3:14-19. Think about Paul’s prayer as if he was praying for you. If you are willing, plz share how you are responding to this prayer over you.