Christian Karma
6 min read
19 They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out: “ ‘Woe! Woe to you, great city, where all who had ships on the sea became rich through her wealth! In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’
20 “Rejoice over her, you heavens! Rejoice, you people of God! Rejoice, apostles and prophets! For God has judged her with the judgment she imposed on you.”
Revelation 18:19-20
It takes centuries to build up kingdoms; yet it takes just “one hour” to bring one to ruin. The devastation should cause great woe, but the heavens rejoice at the fall of “Babylon”—that is, the kingdoms of a world ruled by the devil.
We find here a hint of Christian karma, if there is such a thing. “God has judged her with the judgment she imposed on you.”
Thinking about how the world as we know it will come to an end, I’ve sometimes wondered if evil would basically consume itself. In the Bible, we often see how God answers the prayers of His people by having the enemy destroy itself.
One possible example of that is COVID. There is a well-known theory (with evidence to support it) that the virus was developed in a research facility in Wuhan, China and then accidentally leaked out. Allegedly, the facility was doing gain-of-function research on viruses—basically, trying to create a super virus so that they could learn how to fight against such a virus.
Many people believe that the funding for the research came indirectly from the CDC—that is, the US government. The funding could not come directly from the CDC because gain-of-function research is not backed by the US government.
I am no expert on these matters, but that theory makes a lot of sense to me. While the reason for conducting such research seems good, it becomes suspect when you think about it a little bit more. The assumption is that someone would eventually create such a super virus and hold the world hostage with it.
The evidence that the coronavirus developed naturally is quite weak. If it was developed by human hands, it was developed, not so much for health-related issues, but for military-related issues.
And even if it was developed for health-related issues, why would anyone need to do such a thing and risk … well … unleashing a global pandemic.
Either way, the fact that the US military budget is larger than the next ten largest military budgets and the fact that the US healthcare industry cares more about profit than human lives (apparently) encourages me to think that the military-industrial complex (in collusion with the healthcare industry) was responsible for the COVID pandemic.
All of that collusion could have been quite accidental. Even if that were so, it seems to me that COVID was inevitable given the nature of the military-industrial-healthcare complex—their values (profit) and their goals (profit).
In other words, the evil profiteering of the military-industrial complex gave birth to COVID, and it nearly destroyed the world, including itself.
One day, one of the “products” of “Babylon” might be unstoppable. But the people of God will be delivered.
Father, How can we rejoice over such disregard for life? And yet, we will rejoice when the source of evil will be no more.
As we wait the redemption of our body
Longing to be home in our heavenly dwelling
Give us eyes, give us ears to keep from falling
Come, Lord Jesus, we worship at Your feet
In Jesus’s name. Amen.