5 min read

10 Joshua was the father of Joiakim, Joiakim the father of Eliashib, Eliashib the father of Joiada, 11 Joiada the father of Jonathan, and Jonathan the father of Jaddua.
— Nehemiah 12:10-11

This genealogy represents six generations of a Levite family, probably spanning over 200 years. At any given time, probably about three or four generations were living together. And this was just one family in a whole community that was ministering before the LORD during that period.

When it comes to filling the earth with the glory of God through God-fearing, God-honoring, God-worshiping, God-loving communities and families, this is where it begins—a legacy of faith and faithfulness being handed down generation to generation.

Of course, simply having a lot of children is not the primary value we should be instilling in Christian communities. At the same time, it is rather sad how the value of having and raising children has eroded in recent generations. The value of wealth and success have trumped the value of family, but we do not find that hierarchy of values revealed anywhere in Scripture. Rather, we find the value of family revealed throughout Scripture, including the above genealogy and every genealogy. In fact, the command to honor father and mother is at the heart of that value.

And so the point must not be lost or ignored that the most obvious and natural way for God’s purpose for humanity to be fulfilled is through procreation. It’s sad—and in fact scary—how such an obvious truth is rejected and lost on recent generations too. The LGBTQ+ message and agenda are in direct opposition to God’s purpose for humanity to pursue the glory of God.

The point must also not be lost or ignored, however, that as Christians, we must not advocate or promote bitterness, fear, or hate against those who do not find the connection between family values, procreation, and the glory of God to be obvious at all.

Simply having a lot of children is not our primary value. Our primary value is to pursue and foster a legacy of faith—and the faithfulness born of faith—in our families and our communities.

When we value the things of this world, our children are at risk of ruin—and by extension, our Christian communities—and by extension, our society. The obvious truths of God become not obvious at all, being set aside and eventually lost in the pursuit of the glory of me, myself, and I.

The simple solution is to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (that is, to make this pursuit our priority) and trust (have faith) that whatever we need will be provided, and more (Matthew 6:33).

Father, We live in a corrupt world, blinded to the simple truths that lead to love, joy, peace, and true shalom. Protect our Canvas family from being blinded to the truth that You have revealed to us. Help us to see and understand and live accordingly to the truth. And use us to bear witness to the goodness of Your truth to a dying world, so that some may be saved. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


Joy in Fear


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