6 min read

20 Next to him, Baruch son of Zabbai zealously repaired another section, from the angle to the entrance of the house of Eliashib the high priest. 21 Next to him, Meremoth son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, repaired another section, from the entrance of Eliashib’s house to the end of it.
— Nehemiah 3:20-21

Eliashib the high priest was working on another part of the wall (the Sheep Gate to the Tower of the Hundred and the Tower of Hananel). In the meantime, Baruch and Meremoth repaired the wall around Eliashib’s house.

The Sheep Gate is probably where the sheep were brought in for sacrificial offerings, and so the Sheep Gate was very important. In a way, the Sheep Gate represented the hope and the possibility of the atonement of the sins of the people of Israel.

So it makes sense that Eliashib the high priest would focus his efforts on the Sheep Gate for the sake of all the people of Israel, even while others were focused on their own homes. But not to worry. Baruch and Meremoth covered Eliashib’s home.

Is it because of Eliashib’s selfless modeling that Baruch himself worked “zealously” around Eliashib’s home?

During the retreat, I came back down to GCC on Sunday to lead the Canvas service and to preach, and then I returned to the retreat in the afternoon. Several people expressed their concern for my health. I am always humbled and thankful for people’s concern for my well-being.

But also, I think some people were surprised by the “sacrifice” that I made to oversee the Canvas service. And to be honest, it was a sacrifice. But in line with Pastor Jeff’s message that the house of the LORD is marked by extravagant worship (undignified, costly, and in response to the love of God), I consider every sacrifice of worship to be a matter of joy—and not just a matter of joy, but an investment into this community and also an investment into my own future reward.

Everyone knows what it means to make investments. We hardly think of our investments as “sacrifices.” Or if we think of them as sacrifices, they are sacrifices that are well worth the risk. But in the kingdom of God, there is no risk to our investment-sacrifices. The reward is guaranteed.

The only hurdle we need to cross when it comes to making investment-sacrifices for the kingdom of God is faith. Do we believe that the reward is real and guaranteed?

You see, there is a kind of “selfishness” that comes from God. God encourages godly “selfishness” because godly “selfishness” makes seeking His kingdom and His righteousness the priority of our lives with the “selfish” expectation of a great heavenly reward.

On the other hand, God detests human selfishness because it causes us to sell ourselves short. We end up making investments and sacrifices and taking risks all for nothing.

Father, Your ways are higher than our ways, Your thoughts than our thoughts. You have allowed me to have such great joy dwelling in Your house. But let me never dwell idly in Your house, if such a thing is even a thing. I desire more of Your joy. I desire more of Your goodness and lovingkindness. I desire more of Your glorious riches. Forgive me whenever I seek those things in the kingdom of this world. Change the eyes of my heart to see Your heavenly treasure. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


Life During Wartime

