Love beyond Rejection

“The Lord said to me, “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another man and is an adulteress. Love her as the Lord loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes.”

Hosea 3:1

God commands Hosea to love his adulterous wife, Gomer, even when she has been unfaithful. Hosea gives his complete obedience unto the Lord and buys his wife fifteen shekels of silver, a homer, and a half of barley. He wanted to demonstrate his love towards his wife. Love her in the same way God loves the Israelites despite their sins and their adultery with other gods. Hosea tells Gomer that she is to live with him many days but not commit adultery. This way Hosea will behave and treat her the same. It is a representing symbol of God’s relationship with the Israelites. They will have no king or ruler, no sacrifice nor spiritual foundation, nor ephod. It is until Israel realizes they are in complete spiritual, physical, and economical ruins that they can find restoration in the Lord, fearing Him and enjoying His blessings. 

I remember as a rebellious teenager, I was not the nicest person to my mom. I didn’t listen to her, I didn’t communicate with her, I was not respectful to her. When I came home from school or wrestling practice, she would ask how my day went and I would just put my headphones in and say “it was good” then go to my room. Anything she said or asked after, I ignored. I treated my mom terribly back then.

Of course that rebellious nature would slowly fade as I grew older but honestly speaking, I really believe my love for my mom grew not because I grew more mature but because my mom’s love for me was consistent and always present. As I grew older, I began to recognize my mom’s health conditions were never the best and they were deteriorating. Yet despite her difficult health conditions, she endured and continued to be present in my life. She was there at all my wrestling matches, she was there at my graduation, she was there when I preached my first message at the Bible Club we had, she was there at my first day of college, she was always there. As I got older and went into my twenties, I would often take her out for coffee or dinner to ask her advice on variety of different topics such as dating, dating, and dating. Did I mention dating? When I told her about someone and she said no, I would immediately end the relationship because I trusted her wisdom and guidance that much. 

As I am writing this, I miss my mom so much. I regret how I treated her when I was a young teenager. I was stupid and rebellious and I thoroughly wish I can take back all that time. Yet I know my mom always loved me no matter what. Her love includes forgiveness and I knew she forgave me, not with conditions but completely unconditional. She reminded me of Christ and she embodied what it meant to be a godly Christ-like believer. She is the reason that I am still alive even when I was in the darkest emotional stages in my life. She is the reason I became a born-again Christian because she shined the light of hope into my heart through her love. I can continue to hope for the future because of what her testimony of love instilled in my heart. How she loved my dad and I is the reason my dad and I are the way that we are today.

Not only towards us but my mom also displayed sacrificial love towards others. She was always the first at work so she can prepare the desks and the office for others as they came into the morning. Many times, she would buy donuts and coffee for the other workers at the dentistry. She would be the first and the last at work, at church, and at any events. She always went out of her way to take care of my grandparents. She would give food to the homeless that were sitting right outside the restaurant. She would go to newcomers and show interest in their lives. She would always remember the important dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc. She is the most sacrificial and servant-minded individual that I knew.

I know many lives were transformed (including my dad and I) through her amazing and unconditional love. This is what agape, Christ-like love does. It plants a seed in the heart of those that are closed off. The only way one can come to repentance and acknowledge they need a Savior is through love. This love must be displayed by the believers and the church. We must show love towards one another and to our community. When we go out in domestic and foreign missions, picking up trash, helping with groceries, providing food, sharing the gospel - it is an act of love. God commands us to love one another and we must be in complete obedience to that love. Hosea went out of his way to show that love through sacrifices above and beyond. We too ought to consider showing sacrificial love that goes above and beyond even though technically we do not have to.

Video Presentation about who my Mom is:

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

Proverbs 4:23

Follow the way of wisdom and not the wicked. We will have an extended life that will bring us grace and a glorious crown. The righteous path is a joyful path which brings great light into our lives. The wicked way will lead us to stumble without ever knowing what caused us to stumble. Turn to the instructions of the Lord and lean not away from it. Guard your heart above all is because your heart is the source of everything that slips or flows from your mouth.

Pastor Nathan Kang

Nathan Kang was born and raised in Torrance and joined the GCC family in August 2023. While he grew up in a pastor’s home, it wasn't until February 18th 2008 when accepted Christ. He was called to ministry on August 26, 2010 at a Summer Youth Retreat and went to West Coast Baptist College. Nathan graduated with his Master of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2021 and is currently pursuing his PhD in History. Prior to GCC, he served at Hillcrest Baptist for 9 years. Nathan enjoys tennis, weightlifting, snowboarding, golf, McDonald's, and volunteering for the American Cancer Society.


Allure of Love