2 min read

16 As for me, I call to God, and the LORD saves me.

17 Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.

— Psalm 55:16-17

Evening, morning, and noon can turn into many evenings, mornings, and noons. And yet, I will trust in the Lord. I will put my hope in Him. The day I cannot put my hope in God is the day that I am lost forever. But that day will never come, because God will never lose hold of me.

Like the poor, we will always have troubles with us. That is the nature of a world broken by sin. But time after time, God has extended His hand of salvation to me. Can there be any trouble I face that is greater that God’s saving grace?

The worst troubles in this world are the ones that I may have had a hand in creating. Even then, shall I lose hope in God’s redemption? Is repentance such a trivial thing in God’s eyes that He would disregard my repentance and ignore my pleas for mercy and salvation?

My God is LORD of heaven and earth. My God is Christ. And my eternal hope is in Him crucified, resurrected, and returning.

Father, save me from the troubles that plague my life. Save us from the troubles that plague are lives. Thank You for saving me and saving us from the sin of the world and our own sin. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


Human Condition


Foolish Kings