Servant Leader
6 min read
7 They replied, “If today you will be a servant to these people and serve them and give them a favorable answer, they will always be your servants.”
8 But Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders gave him and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were serving him.
— 1 Kings 12:7-8
We talked about these things just last night in our Living Life Bible Study.
True leading comes from serving others. The mark of true leadership is servanthood. And a true servant of Christ is someone who is faithful, available, and teachable. That means that a true servant of Christ must be characterized by humility. One needs to be humble in order to be teachable, no matter how seasoned or “mature” a person may be. A true servant of Christ must also be characterized by followership. People who cannot follow leaders whom they can see probably cannot follow Jesus whom they cannot see.
The Bible shows us over and over again examples of how leadership is an overrated quality in a person. Followership is a much more valuable quality to possess. Those with overactive leadership personalities tend to think that they are in control. Those with discerning followership personalities understand intuitively and practically that God is always in control.
Solomon started out with strong a strong followership personality but ended up with a strong leadership personality. Rehoboam demonstrates no followership qualities at all.
When Rehoboam “consulted” the elders of Israel, they did not give him the advice that he wanted to hear. So he sought a “second opinion” from those he knew would give him what he wanted to hear—those who served him.
But Jesus said -
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.
- Mark 10:45
Instead of serving his people, Rehoboam wanted to be served by his people. He wanted everyone to always tell him what he wanted to hear. Instead of following mature advice, he wanted everyone’s advice to conform to his wishes.
True leaders are first in servanthood, first in faithfulness, first in availability, first in teachability, first in humility, first in followership. It’s not easy being a leader, and it’s really hard being a good leader.
At the same time, these are qualities that every follower of Jesus Christ needs to learn and grow into. And so it is really important to follow leaders who model these qualities.
I am not trying to suggest that I am there by any means. But I must resist the way of the world when it comes to leadership. This world will easily forgive blatant character failures in leaders as long as they exhibit high charisma and polished performance.
Those of us who are lacking in charisma or polish barely stand a chance. But as best as I am able, I will persist in pursuing a heart of servanthood, faithfulness, availability, teachability, humility, and followership. And I will trust in the Lord.
Father, You have been so gracious to me and my family and this Canvas community. You have held us together in days of discouragement. And You have shown us Your face in days of joy. But help us to abide in the simple truths that You have revealed to us. In Jesus’s name. Amen.