The Blog
Non-Discriminatory Gospel
The gospel of Christ transcends all boundaries and is for all people without exclusion or prejudice.
The Main Thing
Keep the main thing the main thing. The main thing is the gospel of Jesus Christ by faith alone!
Kill the Spider
We must not only remove the cobwebs of temptation but also the spider which is the source.
Sinking Ship of Pride
Pride in prosperity can sink our personal blessings that God had once provided.
Revival in Torrance
We must not be content with the status quo but we must confess our sins and return to the Lord.
Compassion for the Homeboy
God's enduring love for His people will lead to their eventual restoration over retribution.
Wrong Time to Celebrate
The Israelites were found celebrating when they were about to face the consequences for their unfaithfulness.
Scars of Sin
The consequence and scars of sin still remain even after we repent and acknowledge the Lord.