Live Out the Word of God

The Word became flesh so that we might live out the word of God. 

One of the main themes of the Gospel of John is that, in this world, truth is found in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone (John 14:6). It means that out  of everything that has ever existed on this earth that we can see, feel, hear, touch, taste, smell or  whatever, absolute truth is found in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone. People who don’t  believe in absolute truth don’t believe in God. And people who don’t believe in God can’t  believe in absolute truth. God has revealed absolute truth in Jesus Christ, and apart from Him,  there would be no way of recognizing what truth is. And that is exactly the problem that we find  in this world today. People don’t recognize truth when they hear it or see it because people do  not know Jesus Christ. Not everyone cares to ask the question, “What is truth,” but the  unexamined life is not really living. Truth is the only thing that really matters in our lives and in  this world if we care to live an authentic life. 

The whole world was created through the Living  Word, Jesus Christ, and so the whole world is “His own.” But in the context of the Gospel, “His  own” is referring to the Jewish people. “His own” should have recognized who He is—the  promised Messiah, because all of their Scriptures basically testify about Him and His coming and what He will come to do, which is to “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). And  so, how sad it is when the world He created does not believe in the name of Jesus and receive  His salvation. Yet, even for those who believe, it’s important to ask ourselves if we have fully  received and fully believe the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, even though we cannot lose our  salvation (Romans 8:38). That grace is to be forever adopted into the household of God and  enjoy the incredible privilege of being children of God. And that grace is a free gift of God for  those who believe in the name of Jesus. We are saved by grace alone through faith alone by the  work of Christ alone. It is only by the grace of God that we become born of God and adopted as  sons and daughters of God. 

One key reason that the Word became flesh and gave  us a full revelation of God is so that our flesh could become like Him. On any given day, we may  not feel like we are very much like Jesus Christ at all! However, it is possible to become more  and more like Him. That is called sanctification. And the word of God—that is, the Bible—plays  a key role in our sanctification. The more we contemplate the Lord’s glory in the word of God,  the more we become transformed into the image of our glorious Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18). Along those lines, Senior Pastor David introduced the GCC theme for 2025, which is “Live Out  the Word of God.” He challenged us to do three basic things: (1) to listen to the word—that is, to  be faithful in attending Sunday worship and listening to the preaching of God’s word; (2) study  the word—that is, to participated in all the Bible studies being offered; (3) meditate upon the  word—that is, to read the Bible deeply (QT) and broadly (yearly Bible reading); and I would add  a fourth, (4) live out the word of God—because, listening, studying, and meditating is  meaningless unless we live it out. And if we do those things, we will grow in spiritual maturity,  our flesh will become more like the Word who became flesh, and we will glorify God. 

What Bible study topic would you be interested in taking? Tell your shepherd  (s) and forward the list to Pastor Sang.