Spiritual Discipline of Contentment

The Israelites murmured and complained out of discontent as they waited on God during their journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land. Similarly, Christians, as we journey through the wilderness of this world, must avoid murmuring and instead cultivate the spiritual discipline of contentment until we reach the promised land of Heaven.

There are three key disciplinesthat we can observe to experience contentment.

God responds to the Israelites’ complaints about lacking meat. He commands Moses to tell the people to consecrate themselves because He will provide meat not just for a day, but for an entire month. However, this abundance will not be a blessing. It will become a punishment, as they will eat meat so much that it will become loathsome to them. They receive this punishment because their complaints reflect a rejection of the Lord, showing ingratitude for His provision and longing for Egypt instead.

What is our Egypt? Are we longing for the life we had before we found Christ, or before we fully committed our lives to Him? Discontentment, like the Israelites in the wilderness, blinds us to how much better our lives are now in Christ than they were before Him.

Moses questions God's promise to provide meat for a month, expressing doubt about how such an enormous provision could be possible. He wonders whether all the livestock or fish in the sea would be enough to feed the vast multitude of Israelites. Moses’ reaction reveals his struggle to grasp God's limitless power. While it is natural and logical to doubt that over 600,000 men could be fed with meat for an entire month, there is an inconsistency in Moses' response. He has already witnessed God's power through various miraculous events.

Miracles Moses had Experienced

  • Burning Bush Exodus 3:2-4 

  • Turning Staff into a Serpent Exodus 4:1-5 

  • Plagues in Egypt Exodus 7-12 

  • Parting of the Red Sea Exodus 14:21-22 

  • Water from the Rock Exodus 17:5-6 

  • Mount Sinai Exodus 19:18-20 

  • Victory over Amalek Exodus 17:11-13

What doubts do we have about God's power? Like Moses, we may sometimes struggle to trust in His provision. We must confront these doubts by reminding ourselves of His sovereignty and limitless power. Here are some ways:

Practical Tips on Confronting Doubt

  1. Prioritize God First - Matthew 6:31-34
    Birds do not worry about their food, and flowers do not concern themselves with their appearance. Likewise, we should not be anxious about our needs, for God faithfully provides. Rather than worrying, we must seek His kingdom first, trusting that He will supply everything we need.

  2. Ponder upon God’s Blessings - Deuteronomy 7:18-19
    We should record every blessing God has provided, even the smallest ones. He has demonstrated His power in the past, and we can trust that with Him, all things are possible.

  3. Pursue God’s Word - Joshua 1:8
    Our doubts are confronted through the living Word of God. Only the Bible can give us true assurance of His promises.

  4. Participate with God’s People - Hebrews 10:24-25
    Confronting doubt and difficulties alone can be challenging. A community of like-minded brothers and sisters provides accountability and support, helping us remain steadfast in the spiritual discipline of contentment. This is why involvement in the church community and House Church is valuable and important for one’s spiritual journey.

God responds to Moses’ doubt by asking Moses if he believes that God's power is limited. He then instructs Moses to watch and learn. Rather than explaining how He will accomplish the impossible, God prepares to demonstrate His limitless power once again. What God declares as His promise will always come true.

Similarly, God has promised that all who believe in Jesus Christ will have eternal life. He assures believers that He will help them overcome every struggle, sin, and trial they face. Though He does not always reveal the details, He declares His promise. Nothing is impossible with God. We must watch and learn, trusting in His unlimited power and sovereign grace.

What doubts are causing discontent in your Christian journey? What steps can you take to begin cultivating the spiritual discipline of contentment?