The Blog
The Light of Christ
It is the light of Christ in us that saves us, and that light can never be turned off once it’s been turned on.
Blood Bath
When it comes to dealing with sin, we must not trust in our own strength, but lean into God’s promise.
Modelling Christ
If we ever quit a work that we think came from the Lord, we were never doing it for the Lord, but for ourselves.
Supernatural Sanctification
When I surrender my will completely to God with regard to any given sin, that is when the supernatural work of sanctification happens.
Unquench Your Thirst
The Holy Spirit will not force Himself upon us, but He will never give up on us either.
Doing Well
Our sanctification through faith in Jesus Christ in not merely a personal matter, but also a corporate matter.
Joy of Fear
My journey of faith is a journey of being made ready by the Spirit of God to meet Jesus face to face.