The Ugly “O” Word
4 min read
33 Even after this, Jeroboam did not change his evil ways, but once more appointed priests for the high places from all sorts of people. Anyone who wanted to become a priest he consecrated for the high places. 34 This was the sin of the house of Jeroboam that led to its downfall and to its destruction from the face of the earth.
— 1 Kings 13:33-34
God demonstrated such great mercy toward Jeroboam and the Northern Kingdom. He sent a prophet of Judah to give Jeroboam and the people of Israel a word of warning concerning their idolatry and very clear signs that he had been sent “by the word of the LORD” (verse 1, 2, 5, 9, 17, 18, 32).
But even after such a clear word of warning from God, Jeroboam persisted in leading Israel into idolatry. And his lack of wisdom and obedience had devastating consequences.
When we read the Scriptures, it is very easy to cast judgment on the people of God for their foolish disobedience, given such clear warnings and signs to stop. And as readers, that’s what we should do. It was obviously and utterly stupid of Jeroboam to continue in his idolatry after receiving God’s word from the prophet.
But do we not find ourselves being foolishly disobedient and utter stupid too—especially given the fact that God’s will has been given to us for all eternity in His word?
And not only that, God has verified the truth of His word and the seriousness of His word through the sinless life, the atoning death, and especially the resurrection of His one and only Son, Jesus Christ.
The reality of our lives is that the darkness of this world often draws us into sin, when the light of Jesus Christ should be drawing us into holiness, instead—to be set apart for the purpose of God.
Of course, through faith and the repentance that comes with it, God’s mercy and grace are forever available to us whenever we need it. But the fear of God makes us realize that there must be negative consequences for our disobedience, too. We can call it karma, but really, it’s God’s sovereignty and justice.
Whether it is the mercy of God that draws us into obedience or the fear of God that draws us into obedience, we must incline our hearts toward obedience.
Father, You alone are good, and Your lovingkindness and faithfulness endure forever. Change my heart, oh God, to act wisely in obedience to You. I pray this for my Canvas brothers and sisters, as well. In Jesus’s name. Amen.