The Blog
No More Delay
My sin and lack of faith is what causes me to sweep the Apocalypse under my mental rug.
Prayers of the Saints
God has revealed these things to encourage us to repent from sinfulness and to persevere in faithfulness.
God loves, God disciplines, God hears.
My sin and lack of faith is what causes me to sweep the Apocalypse under my mental rug.
God is the One who is in control.
God has revealed these things to encourage us to repent from sinfulness and to persevere in faithfulness.
The “great multitude” is God’s endgame.
This gospel is why we do everything that we do.
Christ is my hope, and Christ is my hope alone.
Whenever I worship, I surrender my soul to come into the presence of God.
The mystery of God’s word is intentional on God’s part.
A “lukewarm” faith is a religion that has no real purpose.